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Laugh all day!

Hey freaky friends!
Been a long week of Uni but nearly done for the year which is hella gewd!

Here's a lil snap shot from my 330 of brento out side our favorite shop in the universe!

Will be shooting more and more with this bad boy now film has arrived!

Got some cool videos for you dudes!

Here is a dope lil video from mad skate crew Dangerous Posse! check it they tripped down to Canberra, looks awesome!
DP in the Capital City from luke rigby on Vimeo.

I also really enjoyed this dudes originality in the streets!
Andre Fowkes 20Twenty 2013 from 20twentybmx on Vimeo.
luv dat cool whip slide thingo!

and now doubt you have seen this but no harm in posting it up here!

peace n luv friends!

oh yeah n haps Halloween brews  !

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