Heres a spot of local music you should check out!
Mr Steven Swift brought out this new House/Funk track im diggin check it!

also Filthy Rabbit is bustin some new hip hop style tracks over on his soundcloud check it HERE!

Also boys at Samurai Disco had their stage time announced for upcoming Scorcher Fest show in Melbourne! check it HERE!

Recently some local Brisbane bands Centurion and Midnight in Alaska were on tour up north Queensland and had all their equipment stolen and dumped in a nearby creek! This is fucking disgusting and sure as hell made me mad as fuck!

Go show the boys from these bands some love! From what i know there are some fundraising events on facebook so look into that!

On a happier note i spotted this dope as video of  NSW band Northlane on tour fuckin sick band and video check em out!

keep an eye out for more posts soon!

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